Thuan image


In 1998, I created a Pokemon website. I was 13.

I used Comic Sans, MS Paint, and an avalanche of frames and tables. Subsequently, I dove into Flash in the early 2000s. Then, I learned design fundamentals at San Francisco State University. I’ve practiced UX ever since.

Professionally, I’ve had the fortune to design for organizations such as Kiva, Ericsson, Ubisoft, and many phenomenal startups. I’ve designed for healthcare, nonprofit, hotels, TV consumers, gamers, and a solar company. It’s been an interesting ride!

Key words about me as a designer: user-centered, end-to-end, collaborative, diligent, pragmatic, friendly, curious. I was also voted “most likely to start a conversation” at work, which is funny since I’m introverted.

In my spare time, I enjoy hip hop dance, sci-fi, and the Golden State Warriors. Recently, I’ve been cooking a lot of Southeast Asian cuisine, so my apartment smells like fish sauce.