
Creating a Visual, Powerful Assessment Tool for Providers

Transforming patient assessments to enhance engagement and provider value
Design lead, end-to-end
Responsive web application
User research, UX, prototypes, UI, usability testing

Project overview


Equip, a leading virtual eating disorder program, struggled with an underutilized assessments tool. The tool's usability issues led to low provider engagement and incomplete patient data, impacting treatment effectiveness.


Redesign the assessments feature to improve usability, increase completion rates, and provide valuable insights for providers.


Through user interviews and usability testing, we identified key pain points: difficulty in finding relevant assessments, lack of visual data representation, and cumbersome navigation. Providers needed a streamlined, intuitive tool that highlighted essential information and facilitated patient engagement.


Categorized Assessments: Organized assessments by category and relevance based on user roles.

Visual Data Representation: Introduced line graphs showing progress over time for each assessment.

Intuitive Navigation: Added a left index navigation for easy access to specific assessments.

Overdue Notifications: Implemented banners and labels to highlight overdue assessments, ensuring timely completion.


The redesigned tool is projected to increase assessment completion rates 30-35% within six months, significantly surpassing the original goal. Additionally, provider CSAT scores are expected to rise 14-16% in Q3, significantly surpassing the original goal.

Project highlights

Gathering insights from user interviews and usability testing.
Testing interactive prototypes with users to refine design elements. We started with clustered bar charts.
Final iteration, after feedback loops with providers and hearing their needs. I added an index navigation and changed to line graphs.
The history view for a specific assessment.
The results modal.
Projected increase in assessment completion rate
Projected increase in provider satisfaction score
"The new assessment process is so much easier to navigate. I felt more engaged and motivated to complete it.


"The redesigned system has significantly reduced the time we spend explaining the assessment to patients. It’s intuitive and user-friendly."


"The new assessments provide much more useful and actionable data, improving our ability to tailor treatment plans effectively."
