Case study image

Campaign Builder

Empowering hoteliers to drive revenue with targeted emails
Design lead, end-to-end
Research, UX, UI

Project synopsis


Revinate is a leading B2B startup in hotel technology, serving over 30,000 hotels worldwide. In 2016, the company hired its first design director, who subsequently brought me on board as the first product design hire. Our flagship product, Revinate Marketing, enables hoteliers to create email campaigns to boost bookings and revenue.


Revamp the Campaign Builder tool to empower hoteliers to easily craft successful, targeted email campaigns. A user-friendly product that drives revenue will enhance customer retention and attract new clients.


User Understanding: Gathered insights from:

  • Customer support team, identifying common user issues.
  • Instructional designer, who taught hoteliers and knew pain points.
  • Internal marketing expert, offering insights into successful campaigns.

UX Analysis: Existing Campaign Builder issues:

  • Complex, intimidating, and cluttered interface.
  • Information overload.
  • Outdated design compared to Revinate's style.
  • Users relied on Revinate's Customer Success team to build campaigns.

Insights and Principles: Based on research:

  • Visual Focus: Emphasize visuals over text to reduce cognitive load.
  • Step-by-Step Wizard: Guide users through the process.
  • Human Language: Use clear, non-technical language.
  • Pre-built Templates: Offer well-designed settings and templates.
  • Focus on Essentials: Prioritize commonly used features.
  • Optimized Space: Enhance screen space for older computers with smaller resolutions.

Competitive Analysis:

Compared Revinate's Campaign Builder to popular campaign builders like MailChimp and SendGrid. Aimed to match their usability and design quality.


Explored low-fidelity wireframes for settings, templates, and targeting. Gathered feedback from customers and stakeholders to create a validated, usable design.

  • Achieved a 73% increase in revenue per recipient with smart segmented campaigns.
  • Achieved an average open rate of 24%, surpassing the industry average of ~18%.
  • Achieved an average click-through rate of 2.5%.
  • Hoteliers found the new design easier to use and reported increased confidence in creating their campaigns during post-release feedback sessions.

Project highlights

Wireframe of settings step
I persuaded the team to build mobile-friendliness, since over half our users use their phones. Here’s a device side-by-side.
Pre-built segment cards, with optional advanced functionality for power users
Designing a preview page
Increased revenue per recipient
Open rate, compared to industry 24%
Click-through rate
“We’ve used Revinate for approximately 18 months, and in those 18 months, we’ve made more money with the Revinate than the previous five and a half years of using other various systems.”

A head of marketing

“This used to take me 3 days with my previous email vendor, versus 3 seconds in Revinate.”

An SVP of marketing