Ericsson TV and Mobile Apps banner image

TV and Mobile Apps

A cutting-edge TV app across all screens
Design lead, end-to-end
Mobile, tablet, desktop, and TV
Research, UX, UI, design system

Project synopsis


Ericsson TV Platforms, acquired from Microsoft, offers award-winning TV products to major operators and a global audience of 60 million. After launching our flagship TV product, MediaFirst, we aimed to create a next-gen offering called Reach, focusing on UI innovation.

As the lead UX designer, I directed visual and motion designers for the Reach project.


Design a cutting-edge TV app for seamless cross-device experiences (TV, tablet, smartphone) to sell to telecoms.


Leveraging insights from previous TV apps, I conducted usability tests, synthesized feedback, and utilized research from an external firm on TV trends and target millennial segments.

Combining research insights and business and product goals, I defined six design principles:

  1. Prioritize Content: Reduce UI clutter, streamline interactions, and enhance the TV content consumption experience
  2. Unify Content Sources: Consolidate different content types (live TV, DVR, on-demand) for easy access, eliminating the need to switch sections.
  3. User-Centric: Design flows and screens aligned with user intent, removing unnecessary elements and steps.
  4. Personalization: Deliver personalized content recommendations and relevance.
  5. Cross-Screen Enjoyment: Ensure a seamless and enjoyable experience across TV, tablet, and smartphone.
  6. Platform Thinking: Recognize Reach as a white-label product adaptable by TV operators; design elements should be customizable and system-oriented.

Iterative design was central, with a focus on exploring navigation models, considered essential for a successful product. We incorporated features from our previous product into the new one, adapting them to the updated design system, style, navigation model, and interaction concepts.


In a few months, I ideated and iterated a complete TV app for various devices, which our engineering team developed. Major telecoms subsequently purchased our platform.

Project highlights

Motion prototype
Motion prototype
Motion prototype